Thursday, April 30, 2020

QO-100 setup upgrade ....

The new upconverter just arrived from Portugal. The power chain is more efficient now....
Im working from my 2nd QTH at South part of the island (KM36VC)
Here is the final setup....
IF radio on 432 MHz is my old friend Yaesu FT-847....
A huge pileup rise after few minutes. 72 QSOs in one hour.... Almost working in "contest mode"....
Stay few days I'll make my setup in town of Rhodes (KM46CK)....
Part of my QSO's (credits to PE1LWT) here:

SDR server upgrade....

AirSpy R2 added for 30 MHz to 2 GHz

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

AO-100 First ever SV5 QSO...

April 15, with the minimum rig setup.
Thanks Spyros SV8CS and SV5KJO George, for their help...!!!
Video here:.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

SDR Family...

SDR family on SV5BYR's shack is grow-up. Lot of tests, lot of improvments....Stay tuned.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Remote SDR Server...

The idea....

The construction....

 The final result...

The heart of remote server beats on a Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB RAM running Spyserver software and powered  with POE (48v to 5V, 3A). Only one good quality FTP cable running to the roof giving LAN and power to the system. 
LNA pull weak signals out of noise, combined with a Diamond X-200 for VHF-UHF, and a Windom 160m-6m covering the frequencies from 500 KHz to 1,7 GHz. The server is not public and it used for personal experimental use only by me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

RTL-SDR and preamplifier work....

Here it's the first block. A mini RTL-SDR (R-820T) into the same metal box with an 20db preamplifier. The preamp is powered from the same USB.

 Here is the second combination.  An RTL-SDR into the metal box and the preamplifier above...

 Final setup. A blue thermal silicone it's under the RTL-SDR to spread the heat on metal box....