Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Last night I make few QSOs on 2m (144.363) Meteor Scatter during the Geminids shower.
The big surprise for me was the 2 Greek stations that I manage to work (SV6KRV and SV6KRW).
Conditions on band it's ideal the last 3 days with no QRN at all. Even the -audible only- weak signals was decoded.
The big surprise for me was the 2 Greek stations that I manage to work (SV6KRV and SV6KRW).
Conditions on band it's ideal the last 3 days with no QRN at all. Even the -audible only- weak signals was decoded.
My setup is ICOM IC-7000 +13B2 Cushcraft 13 elements Yagi + MGF1302 ultra low noise preamplifier.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
SV5KKR Experimental Remote Base...

After my succesfull efforts last decade on remote stations (See on http://www.5-9report.gr/59report/5-9%20REPORT%20vol88.pdf and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhsbNUBG938 and also http://sv5byr.blogspot.gr/2011/10/remote-rig-second-installation.html ) the time for a public receiver comes.
I choose Remote Hams and make a request on my son's call after downloading the neccessery Server software. All goes well and the system works just fine from the very first moment.
Now the only thing you need is to download the Client Software from Remotehams and to play with receiver.....!!! (the register mail comes very fast)
Pse feel free to send me you comments and suggestions.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
ISS over SV5BYR's QTH....!!!
Commander of ISS Astronaut Sunita L. Williams answer to a school students that have sced with International Space Station on orbit 79899.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
CQ WW Contest...
Usally Im operate on CW.
But this weekend without any plan I decide to run CQ WW SSB Contest on 10m band.
I make 2000 QSOs and for one more time I confirm that ..."you can't beat the idiot".
Anyway is an "open game" and you take part on your own risk....!!!
I'll do it again for shure.
But this weekend without any plan I decide to run CQ WW SSB Contest on 10m band.
I make 2000 QSOs and for one more time I confirm that ..."you can't beat the idiot".
Anyway is an "open game" and you take part on your own risk....!!!
Thanks all my hams friends allover Greece for the support. Also thanks all that hams that never learn what is the real man's behavior. In Greece this is named: "filotimo"... (don't search in any other country dictionary, it doesn's exist)
I'll do it again for shure.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
PSK-31 Activity...
Last days Im QRV on PSK-31 mode just to remember again everything...hi hi
You can find me mostly on 15m band...!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
IK2ECC make me suprise....!!!
Carlo IK2ECC and his wife make us a suprise today. They pass from our house this afternoon right when I was on air at 15m band working USA on CW. He knock the door but nobody answers.... (my hamshack is in backyard) So, he decide to leave a QSL card on window and right when he leave my wife comes from QRL....!!! So meeting him at the exit ask in Italian something pointing my antenna.....
- Mike a ham looking for you...!!!
We exchange QSLs and Carlo leave the last two issues of Radio Rivista magazine.
He plans to make a small DXpedition next year at Rhodes island and ofcourse I tell him that he is welcome.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
A nice opening both 6 and 4m...

My holidays at KM36vc (South Rhodes) are continued. This morning checking my favor band (over coffee), I heard I0JX/b with 559. Starting my CQ on 50.100 many stations (mainly Italians) answered to my CQ...
Short skip on 6m with SV2 land give me the oportunity to work SV2CXW George and my good friend Leo SV2DCD. Leo comes with a 59 later on my FT-847's answered my CQ on 4m...!!!!
Monday, July 30, 2012
OK5MM pass to say hello...
Vit (OK5MM) and his wife pass from my house today to see us. We have a nice ham conversation and ofcourse we stay for while at my shack. He runs at previous weekend the IOTA Contest from his hotel and as he said manage to make 1300 QSOs.
Welldone Vit....!! 73s
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Another 139 QSLs gone....
Due to bad conditions on 6m is good chance for QSLing working with my QSL manager SV5QND (YL Toula) So another 139 QSLs gone today most of them for Europe
Some people still sendining QSL cards without any SAE and fee for returning. That is no fair for someone who have to handle some 100s QSL every month....
Some people still sendining QSL cards without any SAE and fee for returning. That is no fair for someone who have to handle some 100s QSL every month....
Friday, July 20, 2012
PA3FXO on KM36VC...

Unfortunately no any propagation on 6m to work from my station but the eyeball qso with him was beatiful....
Thanks for visit us Cees and we look forward to see you soon on island.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
My 2m transverter....
Searching the Ebay I show this auction:

Knowing that Spyros SV8CS is looking for something like this for his remote station I call and inform him about the transverter.... Few minutes later Spyros make an order for the last two items. I thought that "is to cheap to be good" but the price (50 $) was too low for a second think.

My good friend George SV5KJO find and unusual but finally very ergonomic box from an old B/W CCD camera. I put out the junk and I have a nice box and guess what ...with PWR plug and a BNC for the IF input!!!

I make my tests on transmit also. Starting with CW the crispy clear sound of my keying comes out on my IC-7000 receiver and the frequency is also stable. No drifts so far.

I think this small transverter is a diamond. The price is too low and I don't know why the guy who make them decide to stop his pruduct.
Again thanks to my good friend Spyros SV8CS and George SV5KJO for their help ...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Sporadic is back again.....!!!!
Conditions the last 3-4 days was very bad.... Also my shack was a mesh. My PC burned and thanks god I manage to save my disks. It takes me 3 days to put everything again into my computer and when I equalize the situation I decide to call CQ again on 6m. Good opening and signals on my S-meter.
Later I decide to move on 4m and the coditions was cool too....
Big suprise the QSO on 4m with my good friend Leo SV2DCD.
Watch the video:
and here from Leo's shack....
But the best comes at the end...!!! Listening on 2m on 15:40 I hear the first station on 144.300 ...IZ4AIK !!!
About 30 QSOs mostly with I, and some with 9A and S5.
Monday, July 9, 2012
SV5KKR on AEGEAN VHF Contest 2012...

Yet another time we use our alternative QTH for AEGEAN Contest at KM36vc. At Saturday propagation goes just fine and he manage to make 180 QSOs. Sunday was a propagation disaster. No propagation at all and only 10 stations. A small opening to SP, OM for all day !!! Total 190 QSOs for Manos and hopes for a good rank...
Late the night on Sunday a good friend send me a link from YouTube about Manos:
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
July 1st Sporadic E opening on 2m...
Incredible opening on 2m. On 1st part I miss lot of fun (a good friend come to see me) But at the afternoon was coool... I spend lot of time (about 2 hours) at 4m and the rest time at 6m band.
More info about the opening and reports to:
pictures are curtesy of http://www.mmmonvhf.de
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Big Opening....!!!
What a day. First the opening to North America.... States and Canada passing for 10 minutes. Then the band get flat again. Worked: K2AXX, VA3DX, VE3BW, K2ERG.
Here is the QSO with K2AXX
Then the 4m open and guess... OY3JE again on my radio. Easy QSO with a nice 599 but my camera wasn't around...
3.726 Km on 4m isn't easy work...!!!
Here is the QSOs list.....
And here is the QSO with OZ8ZS.....!!!
Around 19:00 another suprise..... !!!
K1MS send me a message to try on 50.158 CW.... and easy I copy him 539 QSB. QSO made under heavy SSB QRM and then K1CP follows. Few minutes later K1SIX comes with a real 599...!!!
TNX all guys.
Around 19:00 another suprise..... !!!
K1MS send me a message to try on 50.158 CW.... and easy I copy him 539 QSB. QSO made under heavy SSB QRM and then K1CP follows. Few minutes later K1SIX comes with a real 599...!!!
TNX all guys.
Monday, June 25, 2012
FT-2000 transverter split frequency (SOLUTION)
Gredits goes to G0UWK and many thanks to
G4ASR for his Ham Spirit.
Here is his reply to my request and the clever solution:
Thursday, 4 August, 2011 17:24:07
Subject: de G0UWK
Subject: de G0UWK
Bit long
winded David but bear with the instructions,
Hope they
make sense to you, it only takes a few mins to sort but took me 45 mins to
write up!
Step 1-
enabling the rig’s transverter mode
the radio on
Press the
menu button and use the main VFO dial to navigate to menu number 124
(This is
the menu that allows band skipping and you need to turn on the “my band” if it
is not already enabled)
Turn the
SUB vfo dial until you see either AU E or AU d in
the green display area
comes up then that parameter is set correctly if AU d comes up then
Press the
ENT key once and AU d should change to AU E
Press and
hold the menu key to save the changes.
Step 2-
enabling ptt ground jack
to menu 146 if the green display reads EnA this function is already enabled if
it reads dis
the sub VFO until the display changes to EnA.
Press and
hold the menu key to save the changes.
Step 3 –
offset frequency display
to menu 36
the sub VFO to the desired offset, the choice is only between 30-49mhz (mine is
set to 44)
You could
perhaps set yours to read 40 or 30.
Press and
hold the menu key to save the changes.
To bring
up transverter operation you will need to use the sub VFO dial as a band
selector as there is no direct input key like there is for all the other bands
rig has its own “my Band” for transverter operation, do not use the standard
28mhz key ! and this is how you can
guarantee not to blow the transverter it’s really neat.
This will
only work when its selected to do so, this is where things can get confusing.
The sub
VFO can be programmed to do many different things and if its set in the wrong
mode you will either be stuck in transverter mode, or stuck on H.F. wondering
how to get to transverter mode.
First of
all if the large orange semi circle is lit up to the right of the sub VFO dial
it means the SUB VFO is active as a secondary VFO and not a band selector
(which you need)
Press the
bottom right hand button at the far right of the rig labelled A/B, the orange
light should go out and one of the four buttons to the left of the sub VFO will
light up, press the top one labelled BAND
It should
light up red.
Now use
the sub VFO dial to navigate through all the H.F. bands until you get to 50mhz,
the next band up should be your desired transverter mode and it will read
30.?????? Or 40.?????? Whatever you decided to put in the offset.
it, once it’s in that mode ANT A and ANT B will not produce any RF, so you can
leave your 28mhz ant connected to either and connect RX ANT for 28mhz
I.F. to your transverter and the TVR port for 28mhz I.F. Transmit
to switch on RX Antenna on the front panel when in transverter mode)
Hope it
makes sense,
It works
a treat, the Sub VFO then works as a band selector, you just turn it to
whatever band you desire.
If you
want to use 70mhz dual rx put the rig in transverter mode press the A/B button
press the green LED on the sub VFO marked RX turn up both volume controls and
away you go, remembering to press A/B when you have finished otherwise the Sub
VFO can’t be used to band select again.
scribbled notes ... (probably doesnt anything to you)
gen cov rx
when on sub-vfo
In gen
coverage set vfo-b to 27.950
set tnvtr
mode - left hand 'band'
but if i
make A=B it stops at 40MHz so (top right) band, select 28mhz (27.950)
(top right) band).
de G4ASR
Sorry for my English but Im sure that you will undestund ....
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Open to Canada on 6m today...!
Worked also VE1DX on CW and VY2ZM on SSB...!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Season's 1st 2m SporadicE opening...!!!
Incredible opening on 2m today.
June 9 Sporadic E maps
Countries worked: HA, OK, OM, OE, DL, SP and with tropo 5B, 4X and SV9.
Total durarion: 3 hours (10:00 to 13:00 UTC)
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